Sherman Town Hall

3063W State Hwy 182
Park Falls, WI 54552
Phone: (715) 583-4422
If you have an emergency, dial 911 or the Iron County Sheriff’s office at 715.561.3800.
The Town of Sherman has five elected offices. The Town Chair and the two Supervisors make up the three person Town Board. The Clerk and Treasurer are the other two elected offices. The elected offices are two year terms and all five offices are up for election on the first Tuesday in April of odd numbered years. The assessor is hired by the Town as an independent contractor.
John Heimberger is currently serving as Road Supervisor and has oversight for snow plowing, road maintenance, equipment replacement, highway shop building and supervision of highway employees. Jerry Kusiak, Town Supervisor II has oversight responsibilities for waste/recycle, brush site, Fire and First Responder liaison, Town Hall building including HVAC, cleaning and maintenance. Kurt Wolff, Town Chair, has oversight for long term planning, insurance, clerk/treasurer operation support, Plan Commission liaison, budget/levy and more.
Please note that voice messages are checked infrequently. Elected offices are part time, largely volunteer positions and much of the work is done outside the Town Hall offices. Email is often the most effective method of communication. The Town Board generally meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 6pm. If you are interested in learning more about the elected offices, please contact the Clerk or one of the individuals below.
Town Supervisor
Jerry Kusiak
Phone: (715) 583-4422
Hours: By appointment