Highway Department

John Heimberger,Town Road Supervisor, can be reached at [email protected].  The telephone number for the highway garage is 715.551.8845.  Please note that messages left on the highway garage phone are usually checked only a couple times per day.

The Town of Sherman has two highway employees that are classified as full time – Duane Klepac and Patrick Grams.  Their normal work hours are Monday through Thursday, 7am to 3pm.  The Town also employs other part time workers that fill in primarily during the snow plow season or other peak times.

Capital Projects planned for 2024 include:  

Gravel Roads: A number of Town gravel roads will be graded with new gravel this spring.

Flowage Road:  Pitlick and Wick was awarded a bid to repave approximately one half mile of road beginning at Fawn Lake Rd.  Work anticipated to begin in September.  The Town received a grant from the DNR to cover about 55% of the costs.

Salt Shed/Cold Storage Garage:  Work to build a new sand/salt shed and do some repair work on the Cold Storage Garage will begin early summer.

Culvert on Murray's Landing:  This culvert will be replaced sometime later this summer.  About half of the costs are offset through a cost share arrangement with the Iron County Land and Water Department.

New Snow Plow Truck: A new Snow Plow Truck has been ordered and is expected to be delivered late fall.

One Ton Patrol Truck: The one ton patrol truck originally anticipated for delivery for late 2023 was delivered and paid for in January.