A Guide to the Winter Road Maintenance for the Town of Sherman, Iron County, Wisconsin
The purpose of this guide is to be a recommendation to the town road employees by the governing body of this municipality to be used as a tool. Common sense may dictate a deviation from this guide from time to time due to circumstances. Good "common horse sense" should prevail.
1. Upon a snowfall, when 3 inches has fallen the Town of Sherman will commence to plow all town roads. As a general rule this would mean 3 inches measured at the Town Garage. However as awareness is made of this amount of snow in other areas of the town, roads should be plowed.
2. Precedence should be given roads where a school bus will operate. The road crew should coordinate the plowing with the school district to accomplish this.
3. Use of salt and other chemicals on roads should be limited as is stated in the Town of Sherman Comprehensive Plan, page 3-8, objective 2. Snowmobiles are authorized to use town roads and the policy of the town is not to plow the roads bear of all snow, however as safety is first sand and or salt may be used on areas of the roads where there are hills or curves and the approaches to intersections. Where necessary for safety centers of roads may be kept free of snow, snowmobiles are to use side edges of roads in all cases.
4. Citizens may offer suggestions or constructive criticism using road problem forms, or may call any official of the Town of Sherman and such official shall cause a form to be completed and acted on.